Organized by retired Pastor J. A. Leland on February 1, 1942 with 15 members the Clearlake Seventh-day Adventist Church began in a rented Methodist Church located at 14521 Pearl Avenue, in Clearlake, CA. It was accepted into the Northern California Conference sisterhood of churches in the spring of 1944 by a letter of request sent by Cora M. Flynn dated March 12, 1944.

In the fall of 1943 the Landstrom family started a church school in their home. Mrs. Cornelia Landstrom was the teacher and Betty Landstrom was one of the two students in this new school. As the school grew, 4 ½ acres was purchased on Davis Street and a two-room school was built in 1971.
As the church grew Head Elder Wesley Landstrom led the church in purchasing property on the corner of Uhl and Oakland Streets, and the present church building was completed with the help of Pacific Union College students who came on Sundays to work, in the spring of 1954.
On December 15, 1988 a fire destroyed the old church building which at the time was being utilized for Community services. It consisted of a structure of about 650 square feet and was in fair condition prior to the loss.

“The building which was destroyed was a historic building that was moved from a local Indian tribe years ago. It was built sometime around the 1910 period. It is a wood frame on a continuous concrete perimeter foundation. It has a composition shingle roof, cottage redwood siding, and plywood interior walls. It’s electrical system has been brought up to code in recent years. The interior of the structure had four distinct rooms; the largest of the rooms being 18 x 23 ft.” --Letter dated December 29 1988 by Barney Rinaldi, Adjuster, Harta & Company Insurance Adjusters.
The church shortened its name when Clearlake renamed the city dropping the “Highlands.” In 1993 Pastor John McIntosh lead out in the construction of a new sanctuary which was paid and dedicated on April 20, 1996. The dedicatory sermon was given by Elder Ricardo Graham, the Litany of Dedication by Pastor John McIntosh, Dedicatory Prayer by Pastor George Hilton, mission emphasis and prayer by Pastor Paul Emerson, and Scripture by Pastor Wendell Wilcox. The Lower Lake Community United Methodist Church Choir joined the Clearlake Chorale with Keith Cordis Soloist in musical selections. The church history was read by Arlene Altic and Barbara Dryden.
Dedication Bulletin of April 20, 1996

J. A. Leland |
1942-1949 |
Fred Fowler |
1950 |
Claude Hall |
1950-1951 |
H. M. Blunden |
1952-1955 |
Frank Steunenberg |
1956-1962 |
Roger West |
1962-1965 |
Ralph T. Carter |
1965-1969 |
Harold L. Flory |
1969-1972 |
Marvin Wray-Student Pastor |
Sept. 1972- June 1973 |
H. Eugene Miller |
1973-1979 |
Bruce Nicola |
1979 |
Steve Chavez |
1979-1983 |
Paul Emerson |
1983-1987 |
Rob Kearby, Student Pastor | 1985-87 |
Ernest Lutz |
1987-1989 |
Wendell Wilcox |
1989-1992 |
John McIntosh |
1992-1994 |
George Hilton |
1994-2003 |
Ryan Van Hook |
July 2003-July 2008 |
Ted Calkins |
June 2009-March 2022 |
"Alex" Gresford Thomas |
2011-13 Extern and Intern |